

Kathrin Stumreich, * Innsbruck, lives in Vienna (AT)

and works at the intersection of technology, new media, sound art and visual art. Her work attempts to decode and play with technological mechanisms of power and control, often by translating technological parameters and set of rules into sound or movement. She also explores coincidence, chaos and entropy in the material as well as social realm, and their political potential. She won awards like the Marianne von Willemer Award for digital media of the City of Linz  2016, and the European Soundart Award 2018. In 2021 she founded the online platform The Center of Solar Use Interpretation and curated the Symposion and Exhibition Solar Habitat.



Graduated with high honours at University of Applied Arts Vienna, Digital Arts, A 

Studies at  Royal Academy for Fine Arts, Fashion Department, Antwerp, BE

Studies at University Vienna Departments Philosophy and Ethnology, Vienna A

Graduated at Academy for Physiotherapy, Innsbruck, A

Graduated at College for Fashion and Design Michelbeuern, Vienna, A



2024 Staatstipendium  for media art BMKÖS(Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport), A

2022 Förderpreis für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Kultur Tirol

2018 European Soundart Award, Glaskasten Marl, DE

2018 Klangkunstproduktionspreis Marl, Glaskasten Marl, DE

2018 Startstipendium Video-und Medienkunst BKA

2016 Marianne.von.Willemer Preis für digitale Medien 2016, AEC Linz, A

2015 Würdigungspreis der Stadt Wien Diplome Angewandte, Wien, A

2014 Nomination European Sound Art Award (Glaskasten Marl), DE

2013 Outstanding Artist Award des BKA (Prämie gemeinsam mit Conny Zenk) für Frauenkultur , A


Solo shows

2024 "mid-air collision", (co- hosted by Klimabiennale) Vienna, A

2019 Sept 11 Performance Schwebepartikelpartitur, Bildraum 07, Vienna, A

2019 Bildraum 07,  20 August, Kathrin Stumreich hosted by Ars Electronica, Wien, A

2018 "Sovereignty", Schauraum, Museumsquartier, Electric Avenue, Wien, A

2018  Zentrale,"Sovereignty" Exhibition+ Performance, Wien, A

2017 HEART of NOISE Festival, Sovereignty, Code talk, Galerie A4, Innsbruck, A

2016 ADA (artisticdynamic association), 3. Juni, Vienna, A

2013 Raum X Zone, Coproduction with Conny Zenk, at mzbaltazarslaboratory  Vienna, A



Borusan Contemporary, Istanbul, TR // Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, DE // Kultur Land Tirol, A// Bmkoes, A // Stadt Wien, A


Group shows/ artist talks/ presentations/curating

2025 Bienal’25 Fotografia do Porto, "mid-air collisions", 15.5-29.6, Portugal

2025 ada is...covefe, mid-air collisions, Vienna, AT

2024 Kasselerdocfestival, Kasseler Kunstverein, "mid-air collisions", November, DE

2024 Echoraum 4. Juni, Nachhall #10 im Frau*feld: Musik und Zufall, AT

2023 Museum in Progress Raising Flags , Digital Mip Chipland, AT

2023 @Isaiah Mansion, Back to Athens 2023 | Geometry of Racional, GR

2022 Artist Presentation @Symposium "Sounding Bochum", Kunstmuseum Bochum, DE

2022 Exhibition "Sounding Bochum", Kunstmuseum Bochum, DE

2021 Curator Exhibition and Symposion Solar Habitat, Lindabrunn, A

2020 Founder of The Center of Solar Use Interpretation,

2021 Istanbul Art Fair, TR

2020 "Cybernetics of the poor" Kunsthalle Vienna, A

2020 der blöde dritte Mittwoch, Klack und die Gesetze der Thermodynamik, Wien, A

2020 Saegezahn XVII, Schauspielhaus, Performance, Laser,  Wien, A

2019 Ausstellungseröffnung "made in marl" , Glaskasten Marl, DE

2019 Sept  08 Artist Talk, Hysterical Mining KHW, Vienna, A 

2019 Artist Talk, Medienwerkstatt, Wien, A

2019 Artist Talk, the illumination of darkness, Nikola Tesla Labor, TU Graz

2019 Performance mit Klaus Filip, Staub und Puder, Republik Kugelmugel, Vienna, A

2019  March 9 -Aug 25 , Borusan Contemporary, Istanbul

2019  der dritte blöde mittwoch, Performance with Klaus Filip, Dust and Powder, Wien, A

2019  Vienna Biennale, Mustererkennung, Kunstfabrik Großsiegharts, A

2019 Salon Elise, Vienna, A

2018  WDR Hörspielstudio, Soundart,  Performance, Preisverleihung MKP,  Cologne, DE

2018 Artist Talk, Digitale Kunst, Univ. of Applied Arts Vienna, A

2018 Artist Talk, Transarts, Univ. of Applied Arts Vienna, A

2018, 14 oct-3 feb.2019 European Media Art Award Glaskasten Marl, Sovereignty, Marl, DE

2018, 14 oct-3 feb.2019,  European Media Art Award Glaskasten Marl, "What would Ted Kaczynski´s daughter do...?", Marl, DE

2018, Seelab Aspern, Performance with Dust, Vienna, A

2018 Ars Electronica Festival Error , Sovereignty, Sept 6-10, 2018, Linz, A

2017 Ars Electronica Center, What would Ted Kaczynksi´s daughter do, Linz, A

2017 Republik Kugelmugel, Sovereignty Performance, Advanced Obstacles, Wien, A

2017 Ars Electronica Center, What would Ted Kaczynksi´s daughter do, Linz, A

2017 keynote, Workshop FH. St.Pölten

2017  "BITORESC" Werkschau Digitale Kunst, Heiligenkreuzerhof, 1010 Wien, A

2016 Glaskasten Marl, Marler Medienkunstpreise, Marl, DE

2016 Exhibition paraflows, " What would T. K.´s daughter do...?", Vienna, A

2016 Performance, paraflows, Vienna, A

2016 lottozero, Exhib.& Performance, Prato, IT

2016 Neu Now Festival, Amsterdam, NL

2016 Transarts Bozen, lottozero, Exhib.& Performance, Kunsthalle Lana, IT

2016 Euregio Inntal, Symposium zur grenzüberschreitenden Kulturarbeit, Kufstein, A

2015 roter faden-textile force, Galerie Freihausgasse, Villach, A

2015 Artist Talk Salotto Vienna, Puls 4, A

2015 Open Discourse Lab 4 Contemporary positions in experimental sound, A

2015  Sehfeldsondierung/Sonnenlauf, Festival für Europa , Vienna, A

2015 Essence, Künstlerhaus, Code Talk, Wien, A

2015 Lecture Performance, Introducing B- ROll 8:20 min, Raum D/MQ, Wien, A

2014 WDR Hörspielstudio, Soundart, Lange Nacht der Museen, Köln, DE

2014 ISEA, Videoscreening, Dubai, AE

2014 Opening Performance, Ausstellung, Glaskasten Marl Skulpturenmuseum, Marl, DE

2014 " Westbahnhof Transformer", HIER und JETZT, Habsburgerwohnung, Wien, A

2014 "Stück für (Schlag)bohrmaschinen", Unto void fulfils this place, das weisse Haus, Wien, A

2014 Vpa and Vbv, Future Horizon, Tanzquartier, Wien

2013 Raum-X-Zone, Vpa/ Vpv, digital frictions, das weisse haus, Wien, A

2013  Contemporary artist collective , Klangkunsttage, 2 Performances " im Schrecken die Schönheit", and " 5 single track fabrics ", A

2013 Schloß Fischau, Echtzeit, Bad Fischau, A

2013 Radio Augustin, Zündstoff 10.5. 13, Wien, A

2013 NODE 13, Installation/Performance, Frankfurter Kunstverein, DE

2013 Radius Chicago, Cultural Morphing  extended Sketchpad, IL, USA

2012 Textile Soundscape, Group - Exhibition, Brut,  Vienna, A

2012 Raum X Zone, Videoessay presentation, Vienna, A

2012 Flussi, OUT OF CAGE, esp stage, performance, Avellino, IT

2012 Wearable, Microsymposium, Museumsquartier, Vienna, A

2012 Soundbarrier conference, talk ´punctum fixum punctum mobile,´ Vienna, A

2012 Essence, cultural morphing, Künstlerhaus, Vienna, A

2012 radius, cultural morphing broadcast, Chicago, IL

2012 Redefine Defaults, textile soundscape, Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz, A

2012 Listening comprehension, Stofftonband, das weisse Haus, Vienna, A

2012 CULTURAL MORPHING, soundscape/ contamination, mo.ë Vienna, A

2011 Ö1 Kunstradio, cultural morphing, Vienna, A

2011 soundscape performance, 2kolegas, Peking, CN

2011 Essence, Door augmented, telematic sculpture, MAK Vienna, A

2011 Y/our space, Door augmented, Vienna, A

2010 Roböxotica,  Wearable Technology, Collaboration Chris Veigel, Vienna, A

2010 Broadcast Media Sculptures, State of the Art and Future Visions of Cyborg Art, Videoportrait of Stelarc, Medienkunstkonferenz  Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, A

2010 Konfrontationen 10 , Faden # 2, Soundart, Nickelsdorf, A

2010 NIME Sydney 2010, New Interfaces for Musical Expressions, Installation, looping, Sydney, AU

2010 Off with the Heads, Performance with David Röder, Plattform Quelle, A

2010 Plattform Quelle, Performance with Valerie Lange, Haareschneiden, A

2009 Ars Electronica, Fassadenfestival, Schlaflos, Interactive Fassade Visuals, Linz , A

2009 Konfrontationen 09, looping sensitive, Soundart, Nickelsdorf, A

2009 Alias in Wonderland, looping sensitive, Performance, MQ, Freiraum, Vienna, A

2009 Zauberhafte Klangmaschinen, looping sensitive, Performance, Installation, IMA Hainburg, A

2009 First Guthman Musical Instrument Competition, Looping Sensitive, Performance, Georgia Tech Centre for Music Technology, Atlanta GA, USA

2008 Wearable Computing,„Fair Interaction“, FH Technikum Wien, A

2008 Tribute to Neil Young, Quellenchor, Concert, Fluc_Wanne, Wien, A

2007 Handlicher Kunstmarkt, Dummy, Installation, Innsbruck, A

2007 „......“, Erdedank, Bioadapter Alpin, Video and Sound Installation, Plattform Quelle, Wien, A

2006 Viennale ´06, Jury Member, Filmfestival, DerStandard Publikumsjury, Vienna,  A

2004  Shapes,I Ging generated dress, Antwerp Fashion Show, BE

links to make my brother happy:

Immobilien Österreich  Partnerbörse  Gratis Inserate Österreich  Sodala